"The only thing I do know is that we have to be kind. Please, be kind. Especially when we don't know what's going on."
~ Waymond (Everything Everywhere All At Once)
If our friends hadn’t recommend the film, Everything Everywhere All At Once, Stephen and I might have missed this audacious cinematic rapture and the rich conversation and musings it has provoked. Although it may not be in a theatre near you (the big screen is a great venue for it!), I’m sharing this recommendation with hope that it reaches those who’ll appreciate encouragement to check it out.
Eccentric, absurd, and delightfully dizzying, Everything Everywhere All At Once is an existential mind-bender—a playful allegory and potent metaphysical imagining. It encourages us to consider a complex, multifaceted reality veiled by mundane existence. It invites us to imagine (remember) ourselves as creators and cosmic super-heroes in the dramatic comedy of everyday life.
The film portrays the intense strength of will required to stay true to what matters most in the face of great inconvenience and a multitude of distractions. It is a mythic telling of the redemptive nature of love…cloaked in countless guises.
Like so many of us in the “real world” right now, the heroine in this fictional timeline is trying desperately to retain the facade of familiar existence, which is unraveling around her. Paranormal experiences keep urging her to step beyond her mortal sense of powerlessness and draw on lifetimes of experience to become a warrior of love.
The film is an action-packed weaving of complexities too vast and nuanced to perceive in a single viewing! We're planning another trip to our local cineplex before it’s gone, so we can further relish its wizardry and the encouragement to keep looking at life through a wide, cosmic lens and be guided by love.
"When I choose to see the good side of things, I'm not being naive. It is strategic and necessary. It's how I learned to survive through everything."
~ Waymond (Everything Everywhere All At Once)
can't wait to see, streaming starts tomorrow!